Thyroid is an Endocrine Gland that secrets Thyroid Hormones which balances the Metabolism.When the secretions altered, the depending on the lower r Higher levels, there will be Either HYPO Thyroids or Hyper Thyroidism. In Hyperthyroidism, there will be symptoms like loss of Wt, thinning, Anxiety, increased Heart beat{Palpitation},Tremors, Puffiness around Eyes,Excessive Sweat, Moon Face,Enlargement of External throat(Enlarged Glandular swelling called as GOITRE) in severe condition,Stare look, Mentally confusion, Delirium etc are the main significant Symptoms of Hyper thyroidism.
In Hypothyroidism, symptoms r quite altered.. like here there will be More Gain in wt, Dyspnoea, Dryness of Skin, increased sensitivity to Weather changes, mostly Intolerance of Cold,Irritability, mood swings, Disinterested in work, sleepy, Weakness etc r the Symptoms for Hypothyroidism.
But Hairless, Unwanted hair Growth, Irregular periods, Delay in Menarche,Miscarriages, or Infertility, are common in both C/o.
The reasons for Thyroid Disturbances are , Excessive r less consumption of Iodine in Diet, Excessive Intake may b either because of other medications, which indirectly contains more iodine content or, induces Gland for more hormonal secretions, Hormonal Imbalance because of lack of co-ordination b/w Hypothalamus, Pituitary gland{which is another Endocrinal gland, which indirectly controls the Thyroid},Excessive smoking, any Viral illness,Chronic Disorders, Any other medications, Improper intake of Diet, Hereditary, genetical anomalies are the main reasons for this Irregularity.
Mostly it is common in women, the age of menopause, @ the age /after of Menarche or in pregnancy time, due to the natural hormonal imbalance.If its physiological, it will be normal automatically after some times, but if its related to any other pathology, then there should be medication help needed, based on various checkups, like blood test, USG etc.
Some times, it could b suspected in the neonatal , childhood period also, based on the symptoms Mental retardation, Stunted growth, Obesity, Amenorrhoea or early puberty,Lower IQ etc. Then also, we can go for Thyroid profile test along with other Growth hormonal Checkup , to explore the diagnosis.
Right Time Diagnosis, Regular Medical Checkup, Proper T/t will help to get cured gradually.
But If ignored, neglected, then the C/o will lead to other complications, even cancer also.
In Homeopathy,Medicines like Thyroidinum, Iodum, Bromium, Calcarea carb, Calc. Iod, Lyco, Nux.vom, Nat. mur, sepia, Lapis alba etc all will help in balancing the harmonal secretion, if taken according to their symptom similarity, individual-basis, as per Expert’s Guidance.