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Painful Menses & Menopause: What Homeopathy Has to Offer?

Abdominal cramps accompanied by painful thighs and calves are commonly faced by many women just before the onset of their periods. Instead of popping a painkiller, here are a few homeopathic medications that can effectively cure this problem.

Belladonna: Belladonna acts on the nervous system to treat sudden intense abdominal cramps and congested dysmenorrhea. If the blood in your periods is bright red and flows at a high rate, belladonna may be the solution to your problems. Other associated symptoms belladonna can help treat are red, flushed skin and temperature spikes.

Magnesium phosphoricum: Every woman has a different type of menstrual pain. If the pain you feel is soothed by heat packs and application of pressure but aggravated by any type of movement, you could try to treat it with magnesium phosphoricum. This is also effective for period pains that increase in the night and early menses.

Nux vomica: Nux vomica is made from the seed of a plant. This is particularly effective in cases of menstruation accompanied by diarrhea. Nux vomica also helps treat irregular and prolonged menses. It also helps deal with abdominal cramps and heartburn. Nux vomica should ideally be taken in low potency doses as it can have a number of side effects when taken regularly in high potency doses.

Mostly, menstrual pain during menses is due to hormonal irregularities and cysts of ovaries or uterus. So, in case of complaints, we need to access these also while selecting remedies. Constitutionally and symptomatically selected medicine in homeopathy will help the patients get relief.

The disruption of the normal female cycles of menstruation and ovulation after the age of 45 and the loss of her ability to conceive naturally is known as menopause. The associated symptoms of menopause are heat flushes, insomnia, weight gain, depression, nausea and fatigue.

The following homeopathic medicines and remedies can be used to treat menopause:

  • Phosphorus can help with migraines, extreme sweating, numb hands, fast pulse, memory problems and dry and itchy skin. Foods high in phosphorus content are meat, fish, cheese, nuts and seeds of pumpkins, sunflowers etc.
  • Excessive deposition of fat can interfere with the hormonal cycles and cause imbalances in the level of estrogen and progesterone. So, regular yoga and exercise can be helpful.
  • A balanced diet which provides you with optimal nutrition can be helpful in treating menopausal symptoms. When you get enough vitamins and minerals, the physical discomfort caused by the symptoms can be reduced greatly.
  • Amylenum nitrosum can provide relief from profuse sweating, shortness of breath and palpitations.
  • Phytoestrogen or dietary estrogen is a compound found in foods such as soybeans, oats, barley, carrots, fenugreek, rice etc. Phytoestrogen can provide natural relief from menopausal symptoms.
  • Aurum metallicum is used to get the tissues and organs to function normally again and control feelings of anxiety and claustrophobia.
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