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Children & Homeopathy

Children usually would have tendency to catch cold easily, which starts from running nose& then turns into Cough[whether first dry&later may be wet],From the factors of like change of temperatures, Dust, If anybody suffers in surroundings from the same complaint,Allergy from few types of food items like Ice creams, Cold drinks, Citrus fruits, etc.] In such state, cough causes wheeze, gasping[Difficulty in breathing]which ultimately develops Asthma.Here in this condition, using Homeo medicines will help to relieve the complaint & to reduce the recurrence also, gradually.,instead of receiving the suffering temporarily.

Some times, based on their low immunity levels, these attacks will be gradually increased in frequency&Intensity as-well.

**Like, For constipation, milk intolerance, Diarrhoea,Any food allergies, Rash,Skin complaints,Frequent fever attacks, Homeo helps.

**If children are suffering from ADHD[Attention deficient Hyperactive disease}, Autism,Learning disabilities, Retardations, Slow grasping, Tantrums, also, Homeopathy will definitely help, when the medicines are chosen based on the totality of symptoms like , How the baby born, & birth weight, any complaints, that baby has gone through since Birth,Mile stones,By observing their Interests, nature, behaviour, Individuality as a whole...which is called Constitutional Therapy in Homeopathy.

This applies not only for children Complaints, But also for adults, as Homeopathy considers Each person as an Individual Personality,So the Treatment also.

In same way, For lack of appetite, Susceptibility to get diseases easily,Homeopathy helps definitely to improve their immunity levels.

In any of above complaints, If Kids/children are already on Allopathic medication since long time,Then also, Homeopathic medicines can be started without any interruption of those previous medicinal dosage, Can be used parallally, So that, once recurrence/intensity starts reducing, then, Those previous medications can be lessen gradually, ultimately can be stopped permanently.

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Venkat Nagaram Freelance Web Designer Hyderabad, India. Being Professional in Web and Mobile Platforms for more than 9 years lead me to design Various websites for reputed companies,I also redesign existing websites with attractive UI by embedding Latest 2.0 web version to reach more viewers and create good impression over existing site.My Design Perspective is to engage audience over the site and make them to spent more time to visualize everlasting features. Being related with Lot’s of Top Clients in present day intended me to take a initiative. about New trends and Following them vigorously at every extent to improve my key skills .Having great respect over my profession i constantly upgrading myself to give my best to belowed personalities who are pleased to work with me.

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